Profile of Kindergartens and Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres
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The Profile of Kindergartens and Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres (the Profile) provides information of all operating kindergartens and kindergarten-cum-child care centres registered with the Education Bureau (EDB) and operating in the 2024/25 school year.

The Profile contains information of schools kept by the EDB, including school name, address, telephone and fax numbers, student category, total number of permitted accommodation, non-profit-making/private independent status, approved fees (school fees, application fee, registration fee), number of students, number of teachers and their qualifications, teacher to pupil ratio, and whether child care services for children aged below three are operated. It also contains information provided by schools, including names of the supervisor and the principal, school founding year, school website, school facilities, curriculum details, school characteristics, price of major school items, admission and application information, monthly salary range and working experience of the principal and teaching staff, and school expenditure information. Schools not joining the Kindergarten Education Scheme (the Scheme) could provide such information optionally.

Schools are responsible for the accuracy of the information they provided.

Some schools may have two records in the Profile if they are offering both local and non-local curriculum courses.

Percentages shown in the pie-charts are rounded to the nearest integer.
Please note the following points when reading the Profile:

Eligibility for Government Subsidy under the Scheme
It states whether the school is eligible for joining the Scheme in the 2024/25 school year. Schools joining the Scheme should be of non-profit-making status, offer a full local curriculum and pass the Quality Review. Classes/courses eligible for government subsidy under the Scheme are stipulated in the approval letter(s) of the EDB.

Non-Profit-Making Status
Non-profit-making school refers to the school being granted exemption from taxes by the Inland Revenue Department under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.

Professional Qualification of Teaching Staff
For every kindergarten principal/teacher, only one professional qualification most relevant to the job has been counted. The priorities are Certificate in Early Childhood Education or above, Qualified Kindergarten Teachers, other teacher trainings, Qualified Assistant Kindergarten Teachers, and others. Other teacher trainings include Postgraduate Certificate/Diploma in Education, degree in education, and Teacher Certificate. Others include teachers under training and untrained teachers.

Permitted Accommodation
‘Total No. of Permitted Accommodation of Classrooms in Use’ means the total number of school places provided by a school in the morning and/or afternoon sessions.

Quality Review: Result and Report
All local non-profit-making kindergartens and kindergarten-cum-child care centres (KGs) joining the Scheme are required to undergo Quality Review (QR) for quality assurance purpose and KGs meeting the standards of QR are eligible for continuing to join the Scheme. In addition to providing the link of the QR report of the school (if any), one of the following text descriptions is also be included:

‘Meeting the standards’: means that the school has met the prescribed standards and is eligible to join the Scheme.
‘Not meeting the standards’: means that the school has not met the prescribed standards and will not be eligible to join the Scheme.
‘Not applicable’: means that the school is not ready for QR / the school is going to undergo QR / QR is not yet completed.

School Fees
The table of ‘Annual Fees’ in the Profile shows the approved school fees for the 2024/25 school year. For schools joining the Scheme, the amount of school fees to be paid by parents after deduction of government subsidy is shown. Under no circumstances should schools joining the Scheme collect school fees exceeding the ceilings stipulated by the EDB. For the 2024/25 school year, based on the amount of basic half-day unit subsidy, the school fee ceilings for half-day and whole-day/long-whole-day classes are set at $11,690 and $30,390 per student per annum respectively.
Even if the approved school fees of different levels are listed in the ‘Annual Fees’ table, it does not necessarily mean that these levels will be operated by the school. Parents should approach the school direct to see if the school will operate these level(s).

School Items
The Profile provides information on the price of major school items. Parents may consult schools about the details of other paid items and exercise discretion as to whether to acquire these items elsewhere or not.
Enquiries about individual kindergartens and kindergarten-cum-child care centres may be directed to the Regional Education Offices and the Joint Office for Kindergartens and Child Care Centres respectively. If you need detailed information, please approach the school direct.
Profile of Kindergartens and Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres Menu
The Profile of Kindergartens and Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres (the Profile) provides information of all operating kindergartens and kindergarten-cum-child care centres registered with the Education Bureau (EDB) and operating in the 2024/25 school year.

The Profile contains information of schools kept by the EDB, including school name, address, telephone and fax numbers, student category, total number of permitted accommodation, non-profit-making/private independent status, approved fees (school fees, application fee, registration fee), number of students, number of teachers and their qualifications, teacher to pupil ratio, and whether child care services for children aged below three are operated. It also contains information provided by schools, including names of the supervisor and the principal, school founding year, school website, school facilities, curriculum details, school characteristics, price of major school items, admission and application information, monthly salary range and working experience of the principal and teaching staff, and school expenditure information. Schools not joining the Kindergarten Education Scheme (the Scheme) could provide such information optionally.

Schools are responsible for the accuracy of the information they provided.

Some schools may have two records in the Profile if they are offering both local and non-local curriculum courses.

Percentages shown in the pie-charts are rounded to the nearest integer.
Please note the following points when reading the Profile:

Eligibility for Government Subsidy under the Scheme
It states whether the school is eligible for joining the Scheme in the 2024/25 school year. Schools joining the Scheme should be of non-profit-making status, offer a full local curriculum and pass the Quality Review. Classes/courses eligible for government subsidy under the Scheme are stipulated in the approval letter(s) of the EDB.

Non-Profit-Making Status
Non-profit-making school refers to the school being granted exemption from taxes by the Inland Revenue Department under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.

Professional Qualification of Teaching Staff
For every kindergarten principal/teacher, only one professional qualification most relevant to the job has been counted. The priorities are Certificate in Early Childhood Education or above, Qualified Kindergarten Teachers, other teacher trainings, Qualified Assistant Kindergarten Teachers, and others. Other teacher trainings include Postgraduate Certificate/Diploma in Education, degree in education, and Teacher Certificate. Others include teachers under training and untrained teachers.

Permitted Accommodation
‘Total No. of Permitted Accommodation of Classrooms in Use’ means the total number of school places provided by a school in the morning and/or afternoon sessions.

Quality Review: Result and Report
All local non-profit-making kindergartens and kindergarten-cum-child care centres (KGs) joining the Scheme are required to undergo Quality Review (QR) for quality assurance purpose and KGs meeting the standards of QR are eligible for continuing to join the Scheme. In addition to providing the link of the QR report of the school (if any), one of the following text descriptions is also be included:

‘Meeting the standards’:
means that the school has met the prescribed standards and is eligible to join the Scheme.

‘Not meeting the standards’:
means that the school has not met the prescribed standards and will not be eligible to join the Scheme.

‘Not applicable’:
means that the school is not ready for QR / the school is going to undergo QR / QR is not yet completed.

School Fees
The table of ‘Annual Fees’ in the Profile shows the approved school fees for the 2024/25 school year. For schools joining the Scheme, the amount of school fees to be paid by parents after deduction of government subsidy is shown. Under no circumstances should schools joining the Scheme collect school fees exceeding the ceilings stipulated by the EDB. For the 2024/25 school year, based on the amount of basic half-day unit subsidy, the school fee ceilings for half-day and whole-day/long-whole-day classes are set at $11,690 and $30,390 per student per annum respectively.
Even if the approved school fees of different levels are listed in the ‘Annual Fees’ table, it does not necessarily mean that these levels will be operated by the school. Parents should approach the school direct to see if the school will operate these level(s).

School Items
The Profile provides information on the price of major school items. Parents may consult schools about the details of other paid items and exercise discretion as to whether to acquire these items elsewhere or not.
Enquiries about individual kindergartens and kindergarten-cum-child care centres may be directed to the Regional Education Offices and the Joint Office for Kindergartens and Child Care Centres respectively. If you need detailed information, please approach the school direct.